We are striving to lift up the resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ, and share Him with all people.

We follow the Bible as our only source of authority and we are seeking to restore New Testament Christianity in the twenty first century. We have been commissioned by Jesus Christ to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

We also believe that our mission is to address some very important basic human needs such as:

  • The need to know and have a relationship with God and Jesus Christ His Son and that of being led by His Spirit…
  • The need for worship, where we assemble together as a body of believers to praise God and thank Him for all our blessings…
  • The need for being involved and active in service, providing a platform where our talents and other resources can be used in reaching out to one another and other in our community…
  • The need for fellowship, where we discover the entire gamut of Christian friendship, support and spiritual nourishment…

At the District Heights church of Christ, you will find many opportunities for worship, edification, involvement, outreach, and spiritual growth. We provide something for the entire family – children, teens and adults.


Our benevolent outreach offers help and certain assistance, to individuals and families both inside and outside of the church who have special needs when available. Our first Priority is to help and minister to Our Members, as revealed in Acts 2:40-47

We participate in several planned outreach projects each year, which includes a Free Clothing Drive, which collects clothing items to distribute in the local community; Thanksgiving baskets to the needy and distributing family resource packets to the community and various nationwide brotherhood outreach drives to devastated areas of the country.


Is developing and learning to utilize many of the social mediums to get the message of Christ out. We are growing in our use of varied audio and video equipment, distributing daily lessons to our guests and members. A library is maintained for past lessons and is available to the public. The media ministry also supports our web site with various recorded lessons etc.


Our education ministry is a vital part of District Heights congregation. Our motto is, “As the Bible School goes, so goes the church!” We believe that the teaching and learning of the Scriptures are conducive for the transformation of lives. Our education program offers classes for all ages including nursery, children, teen, and adults. Our Education Ministry focuses of teaching the core values of Jesus Christ, allowing young minds to incorporate values that will help them to accel in this life as well as the next.


The mission of the church is to save souls and to keep souls saved. Our evangelism efforts and training is an ongoing opportunity and goal of the District Heights congregation.

It is our desire that every member to be trained to share this great message of hope that will forever change lives. This ministry involves reaching out to all of our guests, that enters our facilities, responding to them with follow up calls, welcome letters, and home visits.

We have ongoing neighborhood campaigns, to requests personal Bible studies and to announce various opportunities that we have on our calendar.


Our youth ministry is also a vital part of the District Heights family.
We reach out and encourage our youth to develop and prepare themselves for the future, in the church and in the world.
We have volunteer members and Parents, who assist our Youth Leader with activities for our young people which included mentoring in leadership training; youth trips; sponsors and hosts for youth devotionals and various activities.


G.E.M.S. - Growing Empowering Ministering Sisters

A ministry for our sisters of the congregation, which exist to create a community of fellowship to empower our sisters to grow Spiritually and to serve together in the spirit of unity. Our ladies are very active in many areas of service and ministry. The women’s ministries include:
  • The Hospitality ministry
  • The Caring Sisters Ministry
  • The Culinary Ministry
  • The Special Purpose ministry
  • Titus Two ministry.
Each year the ladies ministry group hosts special days, workshops or retreats featuring inspiring speakers, fellowship and service activities. A Saturday morning Ladies Bible Class is also offered September to June to help the women of the congregation to understand the importance of the roles as women of Christ.


An important ministry to the men of the congregation and the community. We provide a resource and opportunities for men to discuss issues and topics related to men. We Meet on the 3rd Saturday of Each month for a prayer breakfast and lesson of inspiration.

  • The goal is to build resolute men, beginning with the young men 12 and up.

  • Annually the men are taken through a series of lessons titled “Man-Up!”

  • A series of lesson has been designed to help cultivate spiritual leaders from the home first and then to his circle of influence.